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Our Staff

The North Carolina Association of Educators Staff


Matt Aber-Towns, Executive Director
[email protected]
919-832-3000, ext. 202

Nicole Price, Associate Executive Director
[email protected]

Derevana Leach, Executive Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
919-832-3000, ext. 203

Advocacy Center

For Legal Advocacy / Assistance, please click here

Verlyn Chesson-Porte, Lead Counsel 
[email protected]

April Adeeyo, Staff Attorney
[email protected]

Elisabeth Jones, Staff Attorney
[email protected]

Amy Miller, Legal Assistant
[email protected]

Amanda Garrison, UniServ Director
800-662-7924, ext. 229
[email protected] 

Naomi Chisolm, UniServ Director
800-662-7924, ext. 205
[email protected] 

Business Affairs / Membership Department

Matthew Howard, Business Affairs Manager
[email protected]
919-832-3000, ext. 223

Rose Deleon (Tikvart), Accounting Technician
919-832-3000, ext. 226

Maria Hampton, Accounting Technician
[email protected]
919-832-3000, ext. 224

Angela Schell, HR / Payroll Specialist
[email protected]
919-832-3000, ext. 225

Valerie Hollingsworth, Administrative Assistant (Business & Membership)
[email protected]
919-832-3000, ext. 250

*Milo Norlin, Membership Processing Technician (Payroll)
[email protected]
919-832-3000, ext. 228  

*Virginia Spencer, Membership Processing Technician (Credit Card & Bank Draft)
[email protected]
919-832-3000, ext. 235

*For a timely response and faster processing, please email both Virginia Spencer and Milo Norlin with your question or request rather than calling.

Center for Instructional Advocacy and Membership Organizing

Vacant, Organizing Director 

Kristin Beller, Deputy Director for Local Strength
[email protected]

Brandon MondDeputy Director, Growth & Campaigns
[email protected]

Sarah Fellman, Organizing Manager
[email protected]

Runda Alamour, Organizing Manager
[email protected]

Abeer Javed, Organizing Manager
[email protected] 

Uniserv Directors and Organizers


Justin Guillory, Communications Director
[email protected]
919-832-3000, ext. 202

Christi Broadway, Website / Technology Communications Specialist
[email protected]
919-832-3000, ext. 350

Maddie Marshall, Narrative and Content Strategist
[email protected]

Adrian Ezell, Press Secretary
[email protected]

Government Relations

Nicole Price, Associate Executive Director
[email protected]
919-832-3000, ext. 202

Carson Pfingston, Deputy Director of Community and Political Organizing
[email protected]

Annette Montgomery, Department Assistant
[email protected]
919-832-3000, ext. 211

Vacant, Research Specialist / Lobbyist

Vacant, Member Political Organizer

Professional Development

Christina Gordon, Professional Development Specialist
[email protected]

Retired - NCRSP

Tera Williams, Office Manager
[email protected]
919-832-3000, ext. 237

Carole McLamb,  Member Services/Bookkeeper
[email protected]
919-832-3000 ext. 242


An equitable, quality public education for every child.

The North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE), NC's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NCAE's members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NCAE has affiliate organizations in every county and student chapters in select colleges and universities throughout the state.