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NCAE's Online Learning Portal

NCAE's Online Learning Portal allows members, educators, and allies to participate in online professional development courses from experts in the education field.

Visit NCAE's Online Learning Portal

See some of the available lessons from our online learning portal below.

SOS: Surviving Our Summative

In this course, you will learn about North Carolina State Board of Education (SBOE) policies and North Carolina laws regarding evaluations, professional development plans, the evaluation process, types of plans, performance counseling letters or letters of concern, non-renewals or dismissals, and intra-district employee transfers.


Creating Culturally Responsive Classrooms and Schools

This module is part 1 of a 2 part series that studies culturally responsiveness from an educators perspective in a classroom. In this course educators will learn what culturally responsive teaching is, be acquainted with proven teaching strategies, and learn how you can support culturally diverse students.



A leading voice for educational excellence

The North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE) is our leading voice for educational excellence, for children and their families, and for the public schools they count on. As the public school employees union and the largest association of professional educators in North Carolina, our membership extends to all 100 counties and includes teachers, non-classified school staff, administrators, students, retirees, and community allies. NCAE believes that every child has a right to a high-quality education, an excellent teacher, and a well-funded school.